
Our mid-week Ladies meeting is designed to refresh and inspire.  We start off with a demonstration about food, crafts or a resource in the community followed by a time of Bible Study and devotion.  While the ladies enjoy their time we offer babysitting in the nursery for children up to 2 and our Awana program runs for children 2-5 years old.

We meet every Wednesday from 10:00-11:15 am from September to April.  Women of all ages are invited!

Ladies Fellowship Outreach

Several times a year we host a Ladies Evening where we spend time enjoying each other’s company and listen to what God has done in someone’s life.  There is food, fellowship, possibly a craft and definitely fun!  Dates will be posted as events are planned.

Moms and Tots

An informal meeting of young moms and their young children.  It is a time for children to play together and mothers to talk with other mothers. The group meets every other Friday morning from 10:00 – 11:30am.

Create and Connect

Always a warm welcome at Create and Connect Ministries. It is such a blessing to be able to come together to build each other up. Here is a place to discover friendships that will last a lifetime, filled with encouragement, drawing us closer to God and to each other. Lots of fun together, creating projects along side each other! We each can bring along our own project. New ideas are always coming up as we go through the year. We also have special events as well as the regular gatherings. There are lots of opportunities to create and connect at any stage in our lives, growing in God’s love more fully and with each other.

Check the monthly bulletin under the Events tab for dates each month.